Call for Articles and/or Visual/Video Essays!
We invite submissions for possible publication in Arts, Culture and Development, a digital, peer reviewed, open access journal, published annually. The goals of the journal are twofold: One is to define practices and pedagogies with a focus on relationality, voice, and impact beyond normative frameworks of understanding of (D)development (Alkire & Deneulin, 2009).
The other is to create a space for dialogue and foster a network of practice to help bring forth and present practices and conversations that are often isolated. This includes the voices of artists’/cultural workers and (when possible) those with whom they engage (those on the receiving end of ‘development’). Authors are invited to share theoretical perspectives, presenting their own, and/or other artists whose work engages, inspires their perspectives and/or practice related to the journal goals; authors are also invited to share related examples that are inclusive of marginalized histories of these practices.
We invite submissions from artist workers, teachers, scholars, and activists across creative, practice-based perspectives acknowledging positionalities, both in identity and geography. These categories, we understand as fluid and acknowledge their complexity. Authors do not have to be exclusively academically-trained, nor necessarily need to be explicit about their work as ‘development’ practice. We also value authors’ positions and experiences as vital to deepening understanding about the complexities inherent in arts and cultural development, as well as the potential for fostering rich networks. Further, to honor the global community of creative practitioners, authors can submit manuscripts in their native language if English is not available to them. In this case, we will work with our editorial team and authors to find qualified translators. Note that non-English submissions may impact the publication timeline.
Please see Guidlines for Submissions