The International Journal of Education & the Arts (IJEA) welcomes:
Articles should be research-based and pertain to issues in any of the various fields of arts education. These fields include, among others, music education, visual arts education, drama education, dance education, aesthetics, arts-based inquiries and theories, and integrative literary and narrative studies. Holistic studies that cross or transcend these fields are also welcomed.
Lived Aesthetic Inquiries:
Works portraying inquiry across disciplines, interests, and settings, coming to form as art does, "as a complex mediation and reconstruction of experience" (Pinar, Reynolds, Slattery, & Taubman, 1995, p. 567). Conceptual, ideological, and/or philosophical frameworks must infuse such inquiries, offering theorized accounts intended as generative mediums for others to engage, gaining vivid and tangible access to the embedded significances for all involved.
Book and Media Reviews:
Essays intended to inform the readership of current, recent, and classic works in the arts.
Additionally, IJEA publishes by invitation only:
Interludes: Scholarly essays of a conceptual or interpretive nature offering insights and perspectives calling attention to timely issues and considerations to arts (and other) educators.
The International Journal of Education & the Arts (IJEA) is a publication of Penn State Libraries Open Publishing with support from the Music Education Department at Boston University. This is IJEA submission and review system site. For published articles, please visit
Unless otherwise noted on the website, IJEA welcomes article submissions at any time.
IJEA uses OJS online submission system for submission. Please create an account at the site to start the online submission process. Please read the author guidelines carefully.
Important notes:
- Your submission will be returned without review if you did not follow the submission guidelines. In order to ensure the blind review, you must remove the author name in Microsoft Word found in the File menu (see here for how to remove author information in MS Word).
- If there are multiple authors, the lead author should create an account and submit the manuscript.
- We do not accept abstract submission. Please submit your full manuscript for consideration.
* Inquiry of your submission should be sent to