About the Journal
Focus and Scope
IK: Other Ways of Knowing is an electronic, multidisciplinary peer-reviewed open access journal that published original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of indigenous knowledge from a global perspective.
Indigenous knowledge is an emerging area of study that focuses on the ways of knowing, seeing, and thinking that are passed down orally from generation to generation. These ways of understanding reflect thousands of years of experimentation and innovation in topics like agriculture, animal husbandry, child rearing practices, education systems, medicine, and natural resource management—among many other categories.
These ways of knowing are particularly important in the era of globalization, a time in which indigenous knowledge as intellectual property is taking new significance in the search for answers to many of the world's most vexing problems: disease, famine, ethnic conflict, and poverty. Indigenous knowledge has value, not only for the culture in which it develops, but also for scientists and planners seeking solutions to community problems.
As a forum for the sharing of practical knowledge and wisdom for the benefit of all peoples, this journal is of special interest to development professionals who treasure this local knowledge, finding it extremely useful in solving complex problems of health, agriculture, education, and the environment, both in developed and in developing countries.
The journal was published twice yearly by the Pennsylvania State University Libraries, and is co-sponsored by the Penn State Libraries and the Penn State Interinstitutional Center for Indigenous Knowledge (ICIK). The journal ceased publication as of the end of 2019 and published its final issue in June of 2019. The journal will continue to be hosted by the Penn State Libraries Open Access and the full content will remain searchable and open to all readers.
Peer Review Process
This journal employed a double blind review process with most manuscripts being reviewed by two experts in the field. The journal published its final issue in June of 2019 and is no longer accepting submissions.
Publication Frequency
The journal was published twice yearly as Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter issues.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The Interinstitutional Center for Indigenous Knowledge (ICIK) was established at the Pennsylvania State University in 1995 as a consortium to promote communication among university faculty, staff, students, and townspeople who share an interest in the diverse local knowledge systems that enable communities to survive in a changing world. In 2010 ICIK began collaborating with the University Libraries and formally became a Center under the auspices of the Libraries in 2015.
Sources of Support
This journal is supported in part by the Marjorie Grant Whiting Endowment for the Advancement of Indigenous Kowledge and the Pennsylvania State University Libraries Bednar Internship Endowment.
Journal History
This publication began as ICIK E-News in 2010. It initially carried news and information related to indigenous knowledge and gradually expanded to include more scholarly articles and thematic issues. It evolved into a scholarly peer reviewed journal. The journal ceased publication as of the end of 2019 and published its final issue in June of 2019. The journal will continue to be hosted by the Penn State Libraries Open Access and the full content will remain searchable and open to all readers.