Socially-Just and Scientifically-Sound: Re-Examining Co-Management of Protected Areas

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Sarah A. Casson


Co-management of protected areas is a growing trend within the conservation management field. Current practice of co-management falls often fails to replicate the ideals because of unequal partnerships. An in-depth examination of co-management shows that the current methods of co-management disempower indigenous, tribal and local communities. Such disempowerment stems from an invalidation of the complex nuances of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). A co-management structure that views TEK as a legitimate knowledge system on par with scientific knowledge by incorporating many of the many tenets important to self-management of protected areas, including rights to self-control of knowledge, resources and cultures.



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Author Biography

Sarah A. Casson, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Sarah Casson graduated from the Yale School of Forestry with a Master in Environmental Science. She is currently a Peter and Patricia Gruber Fellow in Global Justice.


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