About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Mentor aims to publish scholarship relevant to academic advising that is at the cutting edge, critically examines existing ideas, unsettles preconceived notions, and lays out research or intellectual agendas for the future. We encourage short and long form essays about theories, philosophies, and concepts related to or that can inform advising as well as empirical research that challenges existing theories or findings. We welcome various disciplinary perspectives and are open to a variety of forms of scholarly writing. Submissions may be, for example, full social science research studies, discussions of how a notable or non-traditional advising case or program advances theory, philosophical thought pieces, or critical reviews of existing literature. We also welcome critical and thoughtful commentary on existing Mentor articles for potential publication in our Response & Debate section.
While articles are organized into annual volumes, they are published continuously and available online immediately.
Peer Review Process
Articles in The Mentor are subject to peer review. In the peer review process, both author and reviewer will be anonymous. Typically, articles are assigned to two reviewers. Reviewers will have knowledge and expertise related to the submission and will judge submissions based on overall quality as well as fit with the journal.
Prior to peer review, the editors may decline submissions that fall outside the scope or editorial standards of the journal. Submissions may also be subject to multiple rounds of reviews, during which authors would be asked to revise and resubmit their articles. Each round of peer review typically takes about three months. In all cases, the editors will make the final decision to publish.
Commentary published in the Response & Debate section of the journal are not peer reviewed. However, editors may decline submissions or require multiple rounds of revision prior to publication.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal History
Founded in 1999, The Mentor has a rich history of publishing articles that introduce innovative ideas relevant to the theory and practice of academic advising. Originally published as The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal, in 2018 the journal was renamed The Mentor: Innovative Scholarship on Academic Advising to reflect its historic role in the field and continued mission of supporting high quality scholarship that unsettles existing thought on issues related to academic advising.