Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in Academic Advising through Core Values and Aspirational Principles


  • David J. Lutz Missouri State University
  • Austin T. Boon Missouri State University
  • Xiafei Xue Missouri State University



Academic advising has many goals and typically is assumed to operate in the best interests of students. However, the personal goals of advisers along with departmental and institutional priorities may compromise this focus, often without the awareness or certainly the intention of advisers. Scenarios demonstrating such ethical dilemmas are provided. Incorporating NACADA's The Statement of Core Values of Academic Advising (2005) along with other ethics codes can help to clarify advisers' roles. Several processes are provided to address these ethical dilemmas.

Author Biographies

David J. Lutz, Missouri State University

David J. Lutz, Ph.D., is coordinator of the clinical track of the psychology graduate program for the Department of Psychology at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. He can be reached at

Austin T. Boon, Missouri State University

Austin T. Boon, M.S., is an academic adviser and retention specialist for the College of Health and Human Services at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. He can be reached at

Xiafei Xue, Missouri State University

Xiafei Xue, B.A., is a student in the clinical psychology graduate program at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. She can be reached at


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