Working Smarter, Not Harder: Using Academic and Advising Cohorts to Achieve Positive Change in One Small Program Area


  • Allen Guidry East Carolina University



academic, advising, change


This article presents how one small program area in a state university used academic and advising cohorts to overcome limited resources resulting from budgetary restrictions. By reviewing the literature and identifying program goals, the program area was able to devise a restructuring plan that not only eased the burden on faculty members, but also assisted students in developing peer networks and in connecting academic and advising work. Furthermore, student retention numbers improved during the first cycle of implementation of the cohort model.  The article shares implementation details along with the rationale for choosing this course of action.

Author Biography

Allen Guidry, East Carolina University

Allen Owen Guidry is an assistant professor of history education at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. He can be reached at


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