The eQuad: A Next-Generation eAdvising Tool to Build Community and Retain Students


  • Leora Waldner Troy University
  • Dayna McDaniel Troy University
  • Tammy Esteves Troy University
  • Terry Anderson Troy University



build, community, eAdvising, eQuad, retain, students, tool


No Abstract Provided.

Author Biographies

Leora Waldner, Troy University

Leora Waldner is an associate professor at Troy University's Atlanta, Georgia, site. She can be reached at

Dayna McDaniel, Troy University

Dayna McDaniel is a lecturer at Troy University's Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, site. She can be reached at

Tammy Esteves, Troy University

Tammy Esteves is an assistant professor at Troy University's Ft Lewis, Washington, site. She can be reached at

Terry Anderson, Troy University

Terry Anderson is an associate professor at Troy University's Pensacola, Florida, site. She can be reached at


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