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A Place for Academic Advising Scholars: Dr. Eric White at the Division of Undergraduate Studies


  • Hilleary Himes The Pennsylvania State University



advising scholarship, scholar practitioner, professionalization, philosophy of advising


Penn State University created the Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) in 1973 as the University’s exploratory advising unit. The creation of DUS followed patterns across the United States in which an increasing number of people were hired to serve in full-time academic advising positions. During these formative years, Dr. Eric White, the second director of DUS and, later, the executive director, provided leadership rooted in a philosophy that academic advisers were like faculty members, with similar expectations and responsibilities. This vision led to intentional practices in hiring academic advisers and supporting professional activities that promoted academic advising scholarship. White’s legacy shows the important role advising administrators can have in supporting academic advising scholarship and developing future advising scholars.


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