About This Site

Welcome to the submissions and peer review sytem for the Pennsylvania Center for the Book (PACFTB)!

This site is not a "journal" like other publications managed by OJS/PKP and Penn State. Instead, PACFTB is using this software in a new and experimental way, solely to manage materials submitted to PACFTB's digital humanities projects. Items accepted for publication will be posted to PACFTB's website, https://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/.  Currently, our largest project is the Literary and Cultural Heritage Maps of Pennsylvania Project, which provides biographies and feature articles on Pennsylvania-related topics. 

PACFTB is located within the Penn State University Libraries, at the University Park campus. Its mission is to “study, honor, celebrate, and promote books, reading, libraries, and literacy to the citizens and residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.” It sponsors various awards, bibliographies, curricula, digital humanities projects, and other initiatives pertaining to literature and literacy. To learn more about us, see our "About" page.