Editorial Team

Michael Putnam (Penn State University)       Series editor

David Natvig (University of Stavanger)          Series editor


Tran Truong (Penn State University)               Associate editor


Andrew Hoffman (Penn State University)     Managing editor

Ashley Pahis (Penn State University)              Managing editor

Dylan Rose (Penn State University)                 Managing editor

Emmeline Wilson (Penn State University)     Managing editor


Editorial Board:

Artemis Alexiadou (Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS) & Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)

Jenny Audring (University of Leiden)

John Beavers (University of Texas-Austin)

Theresa Biberauer (University of Cambridge & Stellenbosch University)

Bronwyn Bjorkman (Queen's University) 

Frances Blanchette (Penn State University)

Pavel Caha (Masaryk University)

Matthew Carlson (Penn State University)

Roberta D’Alessandro (University of Utrecht)

Antonio Fábregas (NTNU)

Francesco Gardani (University of Zürich)

Gianina Iordăchioaia (University of Stuttgart)

Terje Lohndal (NTNU & UiT The Arctic University of Norway)

Laura Kalin (Princeton University)

Ruth Kramer (Georgetown University) 

Michael Marlo (University of Missouri)

Neil Myler (Boston University) 

Heather Newell (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Vitor Nóbrega (University of São Paulo)

Jeffrey Punske (University of Southern Illinois)

Eric Raimy (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 

Joseph Salmons (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Liliana Sánchez (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Sylvia Schreiner (George Mason University)

Andrea Sims (The Ohio State University) 

Linnaea Stockall (Queen Mary University of London)

Shanti Ulfsbjorninn (Memorial University of Newfoundland)