Traditional Pottery of Bhaktapur

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Elizabeth Anne Rothenberger


In 2014, I conducted fieldwork studying traditional pottery making in Bhaktapur, Nepal. The pottery, which is made for commercial purposes today, is still produced with a traditional ash firing process. My fieldwork consisted of interviews, observations, and interactions with a traditional family of potters. I found that, while pottery production is still continuing among the Newar community, it has changed in recent years to adapt to technological advances, including the electric wheel and the availability of resources such as clay, plastic, and electricity. The increasingly wide variety of economic opportunities available to the younger generation poses challenges to the continuation of this occupation.

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Author Biography

Elizabeth Anne Rothenberger, The Pennsylvania State University

Elizabeth Anne Rothenberger graduated from The Pennsylvania State University and Schreyer Honors College in May 2016 with Bachelor of Arts degrees in anthropology and Jewish studies. Her undergraduate research focused primarily on gender roles in traditional pottery production across the globe.