What Role Can Questioning Play in Mentorship?


  • Patricia Chrosniak Bradley University
  • Edwin Ralph University of Saskatchewan
  • Keith Walker University of Saskatchewan




In this conceptual article, the authors explore how advisers' and advisees' use of questioning can enhance the mentoring process. The authors frame this discussion within one developmental mentoring model, Adaptive Mentorship © (AM), which they have designed, researched, and refined. They contend that AM has relevance for mentoring in its broadest sense across all disciplines, including academic advising. The authors illustrate how participants using the AM model would typically pose questions to enhance the professional development of protégés and mentors, alike; and they emphasize that appropriate questioning within the mentorship process will promote professional learning.

Author Biographies

Patricia Chrosniak, Bradley University

Patricia Chrosniak, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education, Bradley University, in Peoria, IL. She can be reached at pchrosniak@bradley.edu.

Edwin Ralph, University of Saskatchewan

Edwin Ralph, Ph.D., is a professor and facilitator/supervisor of extended practicum in the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatchewan, Canada. He can be reached at edwin.ralph@usask.ca.

Keith Walker, University of Saskatchewan

Keith Walker, Ph.D., is a professor in the College of Education and the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatchewan, Canada. He can be reached at keith.walker@usask.ca.


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