The Academic Advising Continuum: A Tool for Reflecting on the How and Why of Advising


  • David Grey UKAT United Kingdom Advising and Tutoring
  • Oscar van den Wijngaard Maastricht University



advising continuum, advising discourse, reflection tool, advising theory


Advising discourse is rich in theories and concepts. While these help to provide definitions and explanations to inform practice, they also present obstacles when practical decision-making must be based on shared understandings and expectations between stakeholders with different backgrounds and opinions. We propose an alternative approach to engaging in conversation about advising practice. The Academic Advising Continuum is a visual reflection tool which encourages stakeholders to explore the why and how of advising and to articulate their perspectives without the need for an a priori common vocabulary of advising. The outcomes of such explorations help stakeholders articulate expectations and identify needs and opportunities for change, creating a shared basis to further develop or revise existing advising practices. Examples of how the tool may be used are provided.


Larson, J., Johnson, A., Aiken-Wisniewski, S. A., & Barkemeyer, J. (2018). What is academic advising? An application of analytic induction. NACADA Journal, 38(2), 81–93.

Schulenberg, J. K., & Lindhorst, M. J. (2008). Advising is advising: Toward defining the practice and scholarship of academic advising. NACADA Journal, 28(1), 43–53.



2023-12-30 — Updated on 2024-07-12
