About the Journal
Focus and Scope
For information about Pennsylvania History or to submit a manuscript, visit the Pennsylvania Historical Association's journal website.
The editor invites the submission of articles dealing with the history of Pennsylvania and the Middle Atlantic region, regardless of their specialty. Prospective authors are urged to review past issues of Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, where they will note articles in social, intellectual, economic, environmental, political, and cultural history, from the distant and recent past. Articles may investigate new areas of research or they may reflect on past scholarship. Material that is primarily of an antiquarian or genealogical nature will not be considered.
Pennsylvania History publishes documents previously unpublished and of interest to scholars of the Middle Atlantic region. The Journal also reviews books, exhibits, and other media dealing primarily with Pennsylvania History or that shed significant light on the state's past.
Peer Review Process
Please visit the Pennsyvania History journal website on the PHA's website for more information on the Peer Review Process and for Author Guidelines.
Open Access Policy
This site, created by the Pennsylvania State University Libraries and Penn State Press in cooperation with the PHA, is the official digital archive of Pennsylvania History. Here readers will find all back issues of the journal -- beginning with Vol. 1 (1934) and continuing until the volume year 5 years behind current. Each year forward, another volume will be added to the archive. For current issues of the journal and for information on joining the PHA, please visist the Pennsylvania Historical Society website or visit the journal's page on the Penn State Press website.