The Scripture Rocks: Why Douglas Stahlman Carved His Legacy in Stone

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John B. Frantz


This is an unusual book about the activities of an unusual man. The authors had a threefold purpose in writing this monograph. One was to present an accurate biography of Douglas Stahlman and his activities. A second was to explain why Stahlman carved his legacy in stone. A third was to stimulate others to do further research. Stahlman matters to residents of the Brookville area and possibly to others because he chiseled Bible verses in over 500 rocks that surround the town. According to the authors, Stahlman’s story has become a part of “local lore and history” (4). The book is divided into three parts. One emphasizes Stahlman’s life. The second describes the archaeological survey of the area around the rocks. The third reproduces Stahlman’s manuscript that he entitled “The Dedicated Rocks.”

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