Discovering John Brashear and His Forgotten Time Capsule


On March 24, 2015, as workers from the Jadell Minnifield Construction Company demolished the last wall of the John A. Brashear Astronomical & Physical Instrument Works building on the North Side, a small, brass box appeared in the wreckage. Placed in the cornerstone of that building more than 120 years ago, the box contained almost 60 documents, photos, and objects. Those material contents were carefully assembled by John Brashear, likely in 1894 after the building was completed. Brashear was a largely self-taught astronomer and instrument maker who rose to the peak of those professions in Pittsburgh through his hard work and desire for perfection. The material contents of the time capsule are much more than a simple record of the man, his building, or the times. They provide an intimate look at Brashear's career and life, documenting the people who helped him achieve his dream of building scientific instruments to explore the stars.
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