Strokes Unfolding Unexplored World: Drawings as an Instrument to Know the World of Aadivasi Children in India

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Rajashri Ashok Tikhe


This paper is based on an analysis of the drawings of Aadivasi children in Maraharashtra, a state in India. It presents the otherwise neglected world of the Aadivasi children, namely, the children's perspectives towards their environment and culture as expressed in the drawings. It also discusses the influence of the geographical and cultural environment on the drawing style of Aadivasi children, emphasizing special features of the drawings, i.e., their collective creation. It further analyzes the intellectual attributes Aadivasi children exhibit through their art work using the theory framework of multiple-intelligence. The drawings exhibit different aspects of visual-spatial intelligence and a strong emotional bond between Aadivasi children and nature. The paper offers leads for understanding the visual-spatial intelligence and naturalistic intelligence among these children. It also discusses the possibility that the high ability of coordination and cooperation among Aadivasi children acquired through socialization in their communities could be attributed as interpersonal intelligence. The paper comments on the design of the Indian Education System, which is characterized by an insensitive approach towards the specific cultural context and intellectual attributes of tribal children.




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