Commercialization and Marketing of Women's Indigenous Knowledge Products: A Case Study of Maasai Body Ornamental Products in Arusha, Tanzania

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Jehovaness Aikaeli
Beatrice Kalinda Mkenda


This study casts light on constraints and potentials of Maasai indigenousknowledge and body ornament production skills. Synergy between indigenousand Western knowledge is appreciated in literature. Study findings show thatMaasai women produce indigenous body ornamental products with amplebusiness opportunities. However, there have been little commercialization andmarketing initiatives for these products. Marketing information is limited andpenetration into the market is shallow. Regression results reveal that a domesticmarket is important for generating income for Maasai women. Nonetheless,switching to export/tourist markets has a high potential for additional earnings.Productivity, market participation, income, and employment are undermined bylow education levels and specialization in production, inter alia.

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Peer Reviewed
Author Biographies

Jehovaness Aikaeli, University of Dar es Salaam

Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics

Beatrice Kalinda Mkenda, University of Dar es Salaam

Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics


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