Special Issues
There are no special issue currently receiving submissions
Procedure to apply for a special issue
A proposal for a special issue should be sent by the special issue editor to the journal (admin@geomorphica.org). The special issue editor(s) can be for example a conference organizer(s). The proposal for a special issue should detail the scientific motivation for the special issue and how it fits Geomorphica, provide an estimate of a number of manuscripts, a preliminary list of authors and title of contributions (if available), a timeline for the special issue (typically 8 to 10 months when the special issue is open for submission) and a short CV of the potential special issue editor(s) (2 pages).
This proposal is reviewed constructively by members of the editorial board and the Editor-in-Chief. If the
proposal is positively assessed, the special issue editor(s) will act as associate editors for the special issue. If they are co-author on a paper, another associate editor is assigned for this paper. The review process takes place as with all other manuscripts submitted to Geomorphica.